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Jeez Larry

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Sorry, should not have spoiled the moment.

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The moment remains fresh and unspoiled :) Have a good day!

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Read it in the NYTimes and on your Instagram account and I never tire of this story. I also tear up EVERY SINGLE TIME. Thank you for sharing here!

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These illustrations are such a sweet tribute to a lovely sad story. And also what a great idea for an illustration project — to take a story that moves you and illustrate it. Thank you for sharing this with us all!

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This is absolutely lovely. <3

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Such loveliness. reminds me of the outnumbered funeral. https://youtu.be/tlB57ghalS0

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Beautiful. Gentle. Sweet. On so many levels. Thanks for your story telling and thanks to these compassionate humans all. 🙏

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Real life Margaret Wise Brown book better - because spells.

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Perfect…thank you for taking the time to return Weeps to the ground…I helped carry my fathers casket from the funeral car to his final resting space …it was what I wanted to do and since we are a female rich family like one sister of five sisters has eight Grandaughters!

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