physical cleaning of clutter is so helpful for our interior lives, carson. yes, take the time you need to navigate what comes next. i support whatever works best for you. and have fun learning how to play. you made me smile. sounds like a lot of joy is available.

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Sorry- I just want to pop in and pin a parenting medal on your chest. I am awe of how you managed your career, consistently creating beautiful books and pursuing your passion projects whilst parenting your children.

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Thank you ❤️

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Wow! I feel so much the same about socials and creative practice. I have no kids to mourn their transition from childhood but there are other reason to feel grief these days caused by getting creakier with age, climate change, the instability of our economic and social support systems…Thanks for sharing. I know I’m not alone but it helps to witness someone else being vulnerable.

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Thanks for your post. I’m mourning everything Tania Wills said! And our life before my husband’s cancer turned life upside down, and yes, the kids being older. I remember the feeling you are having, so well. Not having little ones on my lap anymore was hard. It passed though and mostly I love having adult

Kids. Do whatever works for you, But know I really enjoyed your recent posts. Especially seeing the illustrators you recommended. I looked them all up! So cool.

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Thanks. I’m sorry about your husband. ❤️

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I am here for lazy posting, verbose, sparse, sporadic, idiosyncratic and anti-posting. I am bored of social media too. Nothing else has caught my eye though, so I'm especially fascinated by the knee-jerk experimental digital diary-making if my peers, the woeful platform experiences available at the very least encourage weirdos to be weird on the internet again. That I like.

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I'd be shocked if most of us didn't relate to social media fatigue

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Your piano playing is magical, and the smile on your face when the last note falls even more so. Sorry to see those cool potions go, though. Have a rich, adventurous, and above all happy 50th year! :-)

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Another artful, heartful post--not that I would expect any less. I'm a fan of "throwing open the windows in the winter," and this feels like just the kick in the pants I need to consider what I want to nurture outside of my flock of metaphorical chickadees (one of whom is about to fly the proverbial coop) in 2025. Thank you for sharing.

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That was fun to hear your piano playing, Carson! I’ve recently bought a gently used hybrid piano and am having so much fun rediscovering my piano fingers. My daughter says she likes my playing even with all the mistakes.

You’ve done some amazing longer, and I’m sure very time-intensive posts here on Substack. I’ve really enjoyed them. I’m all for shorter and more frequent if that’s what works for you. And more pictures and fewer words sounds great!

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I’m old enough to remember the days before any computers… and the one thing I remember about them is how LONLEY it all was. As a work from home freelancer, I went for months without any social interaction.

So when the internet appeared, I’ve been lots happier… and better informed by far.

Now it doesn’t matter where I live… Dobbs Ferry, NY… Seattle on a hill overlooking the Cascades. It’s all the same.

I agree the entire world is a disaster zone underway… but somehow the world goes on.

And I’d just say to take good pictures of the childhood mementos…. But then clear it out and paint!

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This is a nice reminder. Thanks.

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The music is lovely and my favorite part is your smile at the end. Bravo!

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From the check-out counter here at MT Book Co., we are feeling your post. From one register, the waning echo of parenthood, from my side the loss of creative space and attention to things that matter captured by the everlong lure of technology.

We appreciate when you contribute, what you contribute, whether or not its weekly or whenever, in the physical form or through whatever carries your musings to us.

Have you heard of Analog Sea? Their tiny anthologies riff on these things we are all thinking about and I would love to send you one.

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Hello! I have not heard of Analog Sea but that sounds cool.

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I feel the weariness, and yet, the counterintuitive practice of writing more is something! I hope you find it fruitful - cheers!

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My last child left 8 years ago, and I still miss her terribly. But I wouldn’t make her come back and stay in the pink bedroom; talk about clipped wings! Onward. I’m finding my own path. Social media fills no gaps for me, especially these days. It feels more like a popularity contest; that and pressure to buy things! But I love your piano playing. Happy 50th year, and I adore your posts. Thanks for sharing.

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I am also turning 50 in 2025. I’m a visual artist (photography) and I’ve been so burnt out these past many years. I decided on a lark to learn the violin last December and have spent all of 2024 learning & have weekly lessons with a teacher. It is so fun being a student as an adult! Bravo on deciding to study piano. I’ve found my musical journey to be so rewarding- visual art is usually solitary and music is so community building. I am glad to have it as my boon companion as I enter this phase of life.

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Monday just became my favorite day!

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