Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

Reading this felt like a hug. How lovely. Thank you so much for sharing your joy (and owl sorrow). Congrats on 15 years from another willfully unsentimental crumudgeon

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Creative in life, living and appreciating..... what more can on ask for? And, awesome wallpaper....I want!

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I should have said: that wallpaper is for sale. It was screenprinted by a company that used to be called juju papers and is now called Thatcher. https://thatcherstudio.com/collections/wallpaper

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That wallpaper is beautiful. I love barn owls and I hope I'll be lucky enough to see one some day. We have barred owls in our backyard and we've seen them hunting with their fledglings and swooping silently overhead. I love the sounds they make too. 🦉

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

I loved reading about your owls! I’ve weirdly become fond of all bird things this year, as I moved to a new place. We have a family of magpies that claim our property as their own so I have watched their two babies grow and leave, now I watch the mother build a new nest. I’d love to hear more barn owl updates in the future! 😊

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Will do. Magpies are great too. So dramatic.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

i'm an east multnomah county resident & i've always hoped i'd see an owl here in the wild (or around our house surrounded by tall trees..) haven't yet in the 18 years i've been here, what am i doing wrong? we have so many birds here & i've heard what i thought were owls at times only to discover they were doves :) very nice as well.. so lovely that you have them to share your home with..

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Owls can be so elusive, probably because they’re mostly nocturnal. I’ve only encountered them in the woods a couple of times in my life and I’m always looking. Barn owls are kind of a different story. If you live on a farm and are lucky enough to have them cohabitating with you, you’ll see and hear them a lot. Our barn is also unusually close to our house and they are often flying right by our bedroom window at night.

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so that makes sense, we have no outbuildings.. i'll have to keep looking for those little pygmy owls i've heard can be found in forest park? that's so cool you can hear them at night that way! ;) <3

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

Happy Anniversary!

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Thank you!

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

Beautiful, lovely and heartfelt felicitations. I celebrated my 50th anniversary with my lovely husband in New Orleans last month - we’d never been and felt the party would be there and it would welcome us and it did. Marriage is hard and glorious and well worth it if you are lucky enough to meet your match.

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Amen. Congrats to you. 50 is a feat.

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

Thank you so much for sharing your joys and sorrows! We also live on an old farm (although we are not farmers), with three children, cats, bees, vegetable gardens ... And I think, can I still have time to be an artist here? (I still have time to be an artist and thank you very much for the inspiration!) You are incredible!

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Why thank you. But we’re not farmers either. Just gardeners with a few farm animals living in a place that looks like a farm.

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That is a beautiful wedding picture, congratulations!

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Wonderful, thanks for sharing.

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What a beautiful newsletter! And congrats on 15 years!

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Jul 24, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

This one made me cry-- thinking of that feeling of being surrounded by the people you love. It’s everything really. Life is beautiful, especially illustrated by you!

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Big Labyrinth energy on that owl video. *heart eyes*

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I too was very ambivalent about marriage but I will never forget bursting into tears as I began to walk down the aisle and glimpsed out at all the people who loved us gathered in one place, to celebrate love. Yah, I'm a sucker for weddings now too. We get so few occasions in our life to experience being enveloped by love and well wishes. Bring them on! Glad you had a big anniversary party!

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So beautiful, Carson. Love those noisy new owls. Xxoo ❤️

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Carson Ellis

(And love you guys, of course.)

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Back at you ♥️

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