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I also lived with a tortured cat for many years(his name was Callum). He would sleep all day and then at night roam the house yowling in a really haunting way with his eyes all big and black, he seemed so spooked by something. He died last year 10 days after I gave birth to my daughter and I miss him but am also relieved not to have to deal with baby and cat night wakings at the same time 🖤!

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Now I want to know everything about Window 😅😅. Thanks for sharing

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Please update us about Window..

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I will! Right now she’s sleeping in Colin’s chair and sometimes my friendly cat Moony cuddles with her so it’s not all cowering under the bed.

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I’ve always admired the way cats pad off in solitude into the Beyond. I’m glad Window was just getting some fresh air.

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The aurora was hard to see with your eyes, but, man, on my phone camera it was vivid!!!

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Soph and I went across to the soccer field at 11 and could just make out the bars, waves, clouds, striping, slightly pink, slightly green. Barely there, but here all the same.

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I keep wondering if I missed it but I don’t think I did. I was outside for a while between 11 and 12. There was a glow on the northern horizon but the highway is right there and it didn’t seem unusual. It was definitely not moving or shifting. I am pretty bummed not to have seen it.

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I think folks are somehow getting a stronger look through their phones. We were relying on the naked eye last night. Further upstream and with a highway glow, I can understand why it wouldn’t have been too legible. Maybe tonight? Maybe next year?

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I’ll try again tonight and report back. 👍

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Window and Fortinbras are perfect names. ♥️ Thinking A Wrinkle in Time, not Hamlet, inspired Fortinbras? The animals in Madeleine L’Engle’s books are as real to me as the people.

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Yup, it was from A Wrinkle in Time. I don’t think I realized until later that the dog’s namesake was Shakespearean. And nobody knows where “Window” came from but it’s a perfect name for her.

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Farm life! This post exudes such contentment. Have a peaceful and love filled Mother’s Day!

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May 11Liked by Carson Ellis

I, too, have a mythical creature living with me. She looks a lot like Window, but smaller. She was born into a feral colony and is beautiful, petite, painfully shy, and sometimes a little bit mean. We named her Fiona Apple. Obviously.

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Poor Window, and lucky Window that she has you and a safe place to be. My own Louie was two months old and feral when someone took Louie and her sister to the Humane Society. I adopted her a month later, after she had had so many medical things without ever being cuddled, then adopted out and returned the day later. She was 3 months old and terrified. Now she's 3 years old, still anxious, jumpy, and doesn't like strangers. Most people never see her.

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Sweet Window! I’m so glad she made it back inside. That’s so exciting you got bees! What a fun adventure. My parents kept bees for many years and I’m getting their equipment soon. Like I need another project!

Last night my daughter and I went out for a walk about midnight and saw the northern lights faintly, and we are just south of Milwaukie. Our cameras were able to show the lights better than we could see them but we could see green streaks and a pink glow. We met another mom and daughter who talked about seeing a green dragon! The lights faded somewhat by 1am. Maybe they will come back tonight?

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Window sounds... really wonderful. And the photo of her, perched like a wise Egyptian deity in the half-penumbral illumination of the stairwell, is really so cool. Those eyes...!

Years ago, we adopted a small homeless & tailless Manx cat, Zora, who lived with us for several months in our old (1902) farmhouse (just outside of the small rural town of Talent). She was allowed to wander around outside in the daytime but we tried to keep her inside at night. She was feisty and overly friendly and fearless, including a confrontation with a larger snake near the garden that she wouldn't back down from. She also would rarely come back when we called her repeatedly (though we knew that most cats won't necessarily come when the bipeds call). Once or twice she spent the entire night out but returned friskily in the wee hours. Because of the local natural predators - hawks and occasional eagles in the daytime, but especially coyotes and owls at night, we did our best to keep her indoors at night but one long afternoon that turned into a longer evening, she just disappeared. Did I mention she was a truly tiny cat? Most likely she was taken by a hungry owl. She is still missed.

Our present cat, Horace, was also homeless and hungry when he showed up one day in the hopes of cadging a snack, and he has stayed here for the better part of a decade. He was a juvenile delinquent with one clipped ear (a sure sign he'd been previously incarcerated at the local county pet shelter but had subsequently gone on the run) but he's also more cautious than Zora was and much larger, and smart predators avoid larger felines. Our farmhouse thankfully survived the unexpected wildfire which burned its way through parts of town of few years back, but in the frantic minutes before our forced evacuation, Horace was nowhere to be found - so we made sure to leave a bedroom window open for him and water out. Thankfully the farmhouse survived and a few days later when we were finally able to return, Horace greeted us with complaints... and relieved purring. He still has a strong streak of wild cat in him though, and will not tolerate being picked up by any human.

It snowed in the local mountains last week, but now that it's getting warmer, armies of nocturnal frogs are singing out-of-synch choruses and the bats, mostly absent the last few years, seem to be returning at sundown. If he were more inclined to speech, I think Horace would wish Window more adventures in the coming days, and also pass on one bit unsolicited feline advice: that after an hour or two exploring or just lazing outside, the best thing to do is to find your favorite patch of bare earth, and let yourself have the kind of dirt bath which Baloo the Bear would have taken.

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What a nice sunny day post. Your "honeysuckle cave" is an inspiration!

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May 12Liked by Carson Ellis

Did you know that bees can taste the sweetness of flowers they land on through their feet?

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No! That's amazing. I don't know anything about honey bees, really. There's lots to learn.

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And what happened to Window?? Hope she came back safe and sound. We have recently taken in my mother-in-law’s cat, named Sonny, also by our son when he was about three. He says now (he’s 17 now!!) that he wanted him to be Sunny, but my MIL didn’t understand. She’s gone into a home, so can’t look after him anymore. We recently took in some of her stuff, and watching Sonny sniff around it all was heartbreaking. And he’s been sitting on a blanket we brought back. 💔

Anyway, the point being, I’ve been desperate for a cat, but our landlords wouldn’t allow it, but made an exception because otherwise Sonny would have been homeless. We all agree that having a cat has enhanced our life so much. So full of personality, whether that’s hiding under a bed all their lives, or lying on their side with their little paws crossed, like Sonny does.

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Aw. That is heartbreaking. Window is fine. She came back in after those three hours under the deck.

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Phew! Thanks for the update! X

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